Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Realization of my own nerdiness.

As predicted, things with Joe have been going well enough that I (a) haven't been going on other dates and (b) am protecting the baby, with the combined result of no blogging. One of my loyal readers emailed me after my last post (where I suggested different blog titles) and said, "I love your general commentary on life," which is a pretty awesome compliment. Moreover, I can only assume that the rest of you feel the same way, so here I go.

I was trying to not disclose this to you all because it's just embarrassing, but Joe is also-- sigh-- a former D&D "master." Like everything else, he has an awesome sense of humor about it and while he harbors some deep mystical love for the game, he also recognizes why I laugh at him. He does try the whole "it's a thinking game, an analytical game" thing, and professes to have never played the live action part of it (thank god). He also alleges that "only smart people play D&D," and while I'm sure that's true, I reminded him that 98% of the time, "only white male teenagers with no other social outlets play D&D."

I would have won that conversation, but he turned the tables on me!! He retorted with, "at least I can't name all the spells in Harry Potter." Now, I can't name all the spells, but the point was made. I was speechless. Was I really in the same category of nerds as he is because of my love and devotion-- dare I say obsession-- with Harry Potter? Of course I would never think so, because everyone knows that HP is awesome and D&D is not. Don't they? Or are there people out there who turn up their noses at me when I wear my "PostPotter Depression" t-shirt to the gym? I had never even considered this before. But I had to admit to myself that perhaps the dungeon master had a point.

He went even further. Even more than HP, I was once obsessed with David Lynch films, so much so that I went to David Lynch conventions every year for about 4 years. Yes, as an adult. One year I even won the trivia contest-- do you know what it means to win a trivia contest in a competition of rabid, obsessive fans? It's sort of like tattooing "Rabid Obsessive Fan #1" on my forehead. At any rate, there you go. And Joe had the nerve to imply that this went even beyond nerdiness-- going to conventions pushed me over the barrier into the world of geekdom.

I'm a geek?? Holy fuck. My whole 30-years worth of self-actualization was just tossed out the window. I always knew I was a bit of a nerd, but I really and truly thought that was due to simple facts like I like to learn, love to read, studied in college in lieu of going out, etc. I recognized my tendency to get . . . er, caught up with certain things that I like . . . and that I tend to like, um, more intellectual pursuits. But that it equated me with the poor saps who sit around a table and collectively dream of wars and dragons and dungeons and shit? My lord.

In other, slightly related news, we all know that Daniel Radcliffe, who plays Harry Potter in the films, is doing nekkid scenes on Broadway. Since this blog is sort of about HP and more about my general outlook on life, I just want to say that I find nekkid Radcliffe to be sexy and I really like ogling his body. And that this realization makes me feel soooooo dirty and confused. I know there are others of you out there and you just don't have the cojones I do to admit it. And if I'm the only one, then just add 'pedophile' to my growing list of newly-realized characteristics. Although for the record, he's 18.
Lesson of the day: mmmm . . . . harry potter pecs . . .abs and shoulders . . . put a spell on me daniel . . . uuuuh


Unknown said...

yargh, braids!!! YARGH. yew he's too skinny. and he's HARRY POTTER for god's sake woman, you've watched him grow up over the past four movies. eeewwww! pedomagicophilia!!!

Braids said...

hahahahahaha. . . I knoiw! that's why I feel dirty and confused!! hee hee, it's terrible!!

jax said...

**alicious, I never knew you were an HP fanatic! Hmmmm... and David Lynch? and going to conventions?? And you're making fun of JOE?! :) BTW, my hubby pronounces it "Hoddy Pooter" - cracks me up everytime! :)

Anonymous said...

It was not a David Lynch conference -- it was a Twin Peaks conference. You can't even admit the full measure of your own geekiness yet, eh?

P.S. Obsessive fandom makes one a geek, not a nerd. Nerdiness is about academic competence/obsessions.