Monday, April 14, 2008


Well, hello there. I'm a 29-year-old single woman living it up daily in this grand playground called New York City. My second serious break-up in about a year coincided with the dawning of me turning the forbidden age (I'll be 30 in just a couple of months . . .), which spurned me into dating action.

After the second break-up, which I think I might detail in a subsequent blog, I did not hole up in my apartment eating pints of Ben and Jerry's . . . OK, I did that a couple of times. But then I threw down my spoon, wiped the chocolate from the corners of my mouth and declared-- loudly, and to my bored audience of two cats-- "I will take my love life by the reins! I shall date again!"

It was, in reality, far less dramatic. However, I did fork over $120 and joined for 6 months. I'm hoping to use this blog to chronicle my dating experiences-- past, present, and future.

As for my blog title: I am the law. I am a Federal agent who works tirelessly to protect the innocent and arrest the guilty on a daily basis. Except for when, you know, I blog instead. Hence all the secrecy with my identity. Its not that we Feds don't date, its that I will get made fun of by my male coworkers for this, and I don't really feel like dealing with that right now. So far in my dating life men have been appropriately respectful of my profession, but there have been times when I wish they were a little more interested, a little less "I love the police! Did I ever tell you. . .. ?", and, if we're being honest here, a little more afraid . . . of me. So, check back often for stories on yet another single-woman-in-New-York blog.

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