Monday, April 28, 2008

Grammar, and why we need friends.

Two posts ago was about pickiness and etiquette on Match. There is one glaring example of both that I decided I needed a whole blog for: grammar. I have a thing about grammar-- my eyes gravitate towards typos on menus, signs, everywere. I'm sure lots of people realize the typos, but they then go on their merry ways. I, however, get mad about them, and will angrily comment to whichever poor sucker I happen to be with about the lack of education and proof-reading in this country, etc etc. I am not ashamed to admit that it's kind of a problem.

So. My Match profile actually says "bad grammar is a dealbreaker." Which, um, it is. Primarily, I just think people in their 30s should know and understand the basic rules governing "their, they're and there" and the like. On Match, it annoys me even more because you are attempting to impress people, and if you sound stupid-- which you do with bad grammar-- you're not impressive. Also, if you put this little effort into your profile or emails or whatever, what does that say about your effort level in general? No thanks. This innocent caveat of mine has provided me with much entertainment. Some guys actually read and understood that clause, prompting humorous emails from them making some joke about they're watching their grammar, which of course I find totally endearing. The more entertaining stuff is, of course, the bad ones, who apparently can't even read or, as I discussed before, just ignore my very clear warning and contact me with their poor grammar just laid out there like a f-ing present.

Now's the time in my blog where I make fun of poor unsuspecting men (and these are cut-and pasted quotes, people):

This is an email I got: "Hi X!,I am very well,i am glad its weekend though,i have a very productive but busy week and fun but busy weekend waiting for me and i hope weather will be nice. Are you ready for the weekend? Any fun plans? I enjoyed reading you profile and you have a very nice smile,Tell me bit more yourself,Talk soon,keep smile, X". Sigh. Proofread your shit.

This gentleman 'winked' at me, so when I went to look at his profile, this is what I saw: "am lovely guy, i would like to find ,some girl who really love me, am very honest, i like the true, i love to dance in special salsa.i like to play soccer, go to the movies, walk by the beach, i like to give everything of me to my couple" Now, this is just so poorly written that I'm pretty sure English is not this dude's first language, but if thats the case, have you no-one to proofread your shit for you?? also. . . what is 'the true'?

And this one, from “singleansearching” (notice that even his handle is incorrect. . just too lazy for that d in 'and'?): "were do i begin, im new2this?single attract male seeks attract sensitive carin woman4 datin n poss a longterm.i enjoy movies dinin out n long walks on the beach n park. Love holdin hands n cuddlin. Seeks same in counter part. Ru out there? If so get back2 me" GAH! get a friend to proofread your shit!!

I got this email today: "Hello gorgeous what do i have to do to get your attetion" Do you loyal readers know the answer to this question? It's: 'get a friend to proofread your shit!' Thats how you get my attention. With an 'n', and a question mark, a comma, and proper capitalization. sheesh.

Then this was a sentence in an otherwise grammatically correct profile: "I love women who are Spontaneous, Understanding, Exciting and Independent." Whats with the capitals?? hee hee, this one makes me laugh. It makes me think of advertising: "She's Spontaneous! Exciting and Independent!"


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