Monday, July 14, 2008

The Laws of the Universe . . . Meet the Universe of the Law.

Doesn't have quite the same ring, does it?

Alas: "Joe" and I had "the talk" and we are now officially boyfriend and girlfriend. Aaaaaw. The talk was really cute. It basically consisted of him asking me to be his girlfriend on Saturday and me telling him no. Just cause I wanted to. For the rest of the night he teased me by telling me that whatever I wanted to do at that moment, he only did with girlfriends. I accused him of blackmailing me into it and he said "not blackmail, just pressure." Ha! I love a persistent man.

He finally won the prize that is me by using my own argument against me: he accused me of being afraid of labels (as in the 'label' of girlfriend). I said I'm not afraid because labels don't mean anything. It's like marriage: the people getting married don't need a marriage certificate to show each other how they feel. It's really for the rest of the world. Marriage is a social contract: it's useful so that everyone else knows you're taken and by whom and what your level of commitment is to each other. He said, "Exactly . . . it's the same thing with the boyfriend/girlfriend labels." Damn! He's smart. I love a smart man. So I acquiesced and now I'm all happy.

Here comes the good news for some of you: do you all recall a couple of posts ago when I said "If any of you ever see me with that glazed-over dopey look in my eyes, please punch me in the face"? Well, for those of you who have dreamed of nothing but punching me in the face, your moment has come. I'm glazed, I'm dopey, I smile to myself at random moments during the day. I'm so disgusted with my own mushiness I might punch myself in the face.

And, we both took down our Match profiles. Big steps, people, biiiiiig steps.

So, assuming all goes well, I think the laws of dating met their match (ha!) with me. I will continue to blog because I really like it. But I'll focus on other matters. Besides, my Harry Potter post got more comments than any of my dating posts, so I must give my audience what they want. I'll take suggestions for what you want to hear me rant about (and it better be Daniel Radcliffe's body .. . ha, no I jest. Sort of.)

Lesson of the day: If I end up marrying someone I met online, can I make up a story about how we met? And can it involve unicorns?


grneyegrl said...

Joe's girlfriend, can I ask a question? Have you writen your names together inside a heart? I wish I could see you in order to punch you in the face - you probably wouldn't feel it. Congrats on the luuvvv.

BTW, I don't know what to say about your Harry Potter issue other than I am happy a man can love you even though you love Harry. I feel like I should look up HP’s age before commenting. Um, that ‘treasure trail’ is a little creepy.

designingthenest said...

there's nothing i love more than punching glazey dopes in the face. thank you for making my dream come true.