Monday, July 28, 2008

Is this my future??

Recent posts of mine have revealed (a) my boyfriend is/was/likes to talk about being a Dungeon Master (oh, it hurts even to write it); and (b) my lifelong self-concept of myself as a nerd has been bashed away by said stupid DM, who put the idea into my brain that I'm actually a geek, an idea reinforced by others who know me. I'm still coming to terms with this, as I can see the argument for my geekdom but am still stuck in a zone of denial and my own logic about the issue.

Alas, with such a confused state of mind, can you blame me for seeing the below "Odd News" story and having my first thought be that this could be in my future? Only far, far worse, as I like Star Wars. And of course this couple had to meet online. But my Comic-Con wedding would be Dungeons and Dragons-themed. Or Joe's other love, Robotech, some weird cartoon from the 80s that I don't even remember but contains the word "robot" in it, so is already pretty scary (for matrimonial purposes). I would appreciate it if my loyal audience would comment on this post, and if all comments had a format of something like, "No, don't worry, you're not that much of a geek and anyway you could beat up any guy who tried to force you into an comic-book/geek-themed wedding". Thank you for your compliance.

"The bride wore dart launchers at Comic-Con wedding":

SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - The bride and groom grasped one another's dart launcher-clad wrists and stared into each other's starry eyes. Fifty armour-clad guests, including several "Jedis" and a white caped "Elvis" in a rhinestone-studded ammo belt, stood reverently at attention. A couple of superheroes showed up late.

What better place to hold a "Star Wars" themed wedding than a green patch of grass just outside the famed Comic-Con convention where thousands of fans have congregated this week to revel in all manner of superhero and sci-fi lore?

Friday's wedding ceremony, based on the language, costume and lore of a fictional Mandalorian race in the "Star Wars" movies, was the brain child of Tenille Kuhlman, 30, and Thomas Kuhlman, 39, avid fans who decided that the convention was a perfect place to gather far-flung members of their close-knit "Star Wars" fan club to celebrate their special day.

The couple met online two years ago, said Tenille Kuhlman, who said she was at first was hesitant to embrace the Mandalorian lifestyle. "When I met him I knew what every Joe Blow knows about 'Star Wars.' It just sort of turned into life for us."

The guests -- in full regalia including helmets, boots and jet packs -- formed two lines and created a light sabre arch leading toward the altar. "I don't have my fake gun!" somebody shouted. "That's OK," said another guest. "This is a wedding ceremony. I left mine in the car." The bride and groom held their helmets in their hands, a solemn sign of Mandalorian respect. As they grasped wrists, Tom Hutchens, a 30-year-old IT professional and erstwhile Mandalorian preacher, began the ceremony. "Vodas," he said, using the Mandalorian word for "friends," "Outsiders, Jedis, everybody, welcome. This is a contract between two Mandalorians who made a journey and future together and bled together and will continue to bleed together until their last day," he said.

After reciting their vows in both Mandalorian and English translation, the jubilant crowd shouted: "Oya!" which in Mandalorian language means "celebration." "I now pronounce you Mandalorian husband and wife," Hutchens said.

Lesson of the Day: By far my favorite line from this article (which I edited above) is "but according to clan creed, Mandalorians don't make threats, they make promises." Hahahaha. Now how to work that into everyday speech . . .


jax said...

OMG Braids - my favorite line was "when I met him I only knew what every Joe Blow knows about 'Star Wars'" -- OMG do you realize what you're in for?!!! And next best, "it just SORT OF TURNED INTO LIFE FOR US..."!!! Hell-o?!!! Am I the only one worried for you now?! I swear I will personally kick your butt if you start going all Mandalorian on us!!! I can't believe I just wrote that - or even had to!!! hahahaha!

Dee said...

Holy Mandalorian Batman (I agree with Jax, did I just say that) Are you kidding me!!! Ok it hurt my brian to read this one Braids!!!! "Where is my fake gun" now thats down right insulting!!! If you wear a God Damn helmet on your wedding day I will Kill you with my Real gun!!!! Star wars is for people like Debbie you want to be in the same category as Debbie Lai!!! Think this one through again mister, your new love cannot make you and Debbie Lai "VODAS" WTF????

grneyegrl said...

Stay strong! If the man shaved most of the dreaded goatee for you, you can get him to have a human wedding. Or is it a non-alien wedding? I know nothing about sci-fi or fantasy or whatever shit you are talking about.

Someone go slap the silly love look off her face before the only potential men at the wedding are wearing the wrong kind of body armor. I am not flirting with a Mandalorian. What is a Mandalorian? More importantly, why do they have a language? Braids, can you pick a different theme for your side? Even Twin Peaks would work.

And by the way, when did you start talking about weddings?!

Braids said...

First of all people, read the damn blog. I'm not saying that I'm going to have a Mandalorian wedding! I'm not getting married! All I'm saying is that when I saw this article I got scared, because something like this could potentially be in my future if Joe is as well. And that scares me. It SCARES me!! You're all acting like I want to Mandalorian marry! sheesh.

Braids said...
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