I will say this: October is, and always has been, my favorite month. I loooove the cold weather, and I love the in-between coldness that October brings. I lurve Halloween. I love love love fall foliage, which of course we don't get here in NYC. Anyway, I'm excited for the rest of this month.
Also, because Joe and I leave in 2 days for a week-long vacation to Maine. Growing up in New England, I've been there a few times, but Joe never has and has always wanted to go. We're going at "peak foliage season" so I can barely contain myself. We're also spending 3 days in Acadia National Park hiking and biking around mountains, ponds, and those glorious leaves. So I'll be sure to post some sappy blogs when we get back full of gorgeous pictures.
Until then, please enjoy this Joe-taken photo of my cat Eliot and my snake Norman sharing some best friend time.
I really like hearing about this 'Joe' character . . . he seems really interesting and funny. Maybe your should expound on him a bit, since he's SO charming that even your brief comments about him leave me wanting more . . .
I think you should blog about being young and female and a fed.
Also, about the at fine line ICE straddles between good and eveil. Stopping sex trafficking? Good! Tearing apart families to deport illegal aliens? Evil! Comments?
Or, you know, more cat pictures. *snerk*
I like both ideas, except the evil ICE part. We do not tear families apart. We simply help people get back home who have somehow wondered into another country and stolen someone's identity. Congress made the law. Sorry, it was a long day talking to people who are just here to better their lives but somehow know the biggest drug dealers around and failed to mention that to law enforcement until it benefits them...
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