Friday, May 9, 2008

A good date!?

It's true! I actually had two. I define this as: we have chemistry, I'm attracted to him, he seems to be attracted to me, we have a good time, and he makes some effort afterwards. The first good date was apparently not so for the first guy cause the date was 1 1/2 weeks ago and I haven't heard from him. The bastard. Oh well. His loss! Right? Right?

So the 2nd good date was a couple of days ago. He was 6'2" and broad, which is what I like. Glasses, which I like. Very good-looking! He's a journalist and is writing his Great American Novel on the side. We have a lot in common-- we both love to read (he said he "could get lost in a bookstore"-- ugh, that's like the most romantic thing a man can say to me), we like to salsa dance. He's close to his family and loves animals. He once rescued a bag full of fluffy puppies from certain destruction while walking an elderly lady across the street. Ha, that's not true . . .

Now, a caveat: I love nerds. Not like Napolean Dynamite (who I would classify as a geek or dork more than a nerd, in the hierarchy)-- just really smart and passionate folks. My friends are all generally nerdy and despite my kick-ass profession, I myself am a bit of a nerd. I always say that my ex, despite being a huge stinking slimeball, would tell me the title of his neurology-PhD-thesis and I loved the fact that I didn't understand a word of it. Ha. So, I have references to this nerd thing on my Match profile, and I think between that and the whole grammar clause, I'm generally attracting only the nerds (and the truly intrepid losers).

I don't really know where this came from, this love of nerds. My dad is one, and he's awesome, so it probably has something to do with growing up with nerdiness equating fabulousness. My mother told all of us at a young age: "Nerds make the best husbands: they'll treat you like a queen and will make all the money one day." Ha! Motherly gold. But I love nerdy friends, too, so . . .?

Anyway, I'm off topic. This guy is nerd-central. And in some-- ack, I can't admit it!-- N. Dynamite ways. Exhibit A: He used to do live-action Dungeons and Dragons. And when I say 'used to,' I mean in his late 20s and early 30s. Ha! Exhibit B: He auditioned for the reality show 'Make Me A Superhero.' Which I actually find fabulous, since I am a nerd, and neurology-PhD-ex had, after all, auditioned for 'Beauty And the Geek,' so . . . But with 'Superhero'-- Exhibit C: His superpower was going to be . . . wait for it . . . the ability to amplify torque. Hahahaha! Oh my, I almost fell off my bar stool laughing at him at that one. Which, to his credit, he took in complete stride. (Like any good nerd, he is fully cognizant of his own nerdiness and is not ashamed of any of it-- so hot.)

In the end, though, he put my coat on for me, held doors for me, and even stood when I stood to go to the bathroom. Now, I don't expect this behavior from people, but I have to say, when a man does those things of his own accord, it's something to pay attention to. He's the first guy from Match and only the 2nd guy in my entire life to have such chivalrous manners. I really think it says a lot about a man-- i.e., he's thoughtful, polite, respectful, was raised well-- that sort of goes beyond just having manners.

Oh, and he was an excellent kisser. : ) And when I said-- and I actually said this-- "You're a good kisser for a nerd," he took it all in stride. Now that's a man.

Lesson of the day: I probably just jinxed myself by posting this. Stay tuned-- will there be more? Will I play D&D?? (Um, that's going to be a 'no.')


Liz said...

excellent! sounds like he makes up for the "doctor" who probably wasn't even a doctor. that guy sounds like the biggest loser... I didn't know guys like that existed in real life! anyway, onward and upward!! nerds rock!!!

Braids said...

And wouldn't you know it. .. the doctor got his MD from the same school where slimeball ex is currently gettingh his PhD. I shoulda known then. . .

nerd power!