Friday, August 8, 2008

My kind of sandwich.

So, it's Friday night. My boyfriend may or may not have mono, so my plans for the evening were derailed. I haven't had a night in to myself in a bit, so it was nice.

I ordered the Katherine Heigl classic 27 Dresses from Movies on Demand for my evening entertainment. One the one hand, I really just wanted to watch something funny and mindless, and it didn't disappoint. Moreover, I had read that it was filming in my hometown of Providence, RI, and I thought I could catch some glimpses of my beloved city. I couldn't, and the whole thing was set in Brooklyn, NY . . . This movie was actually much better than the trailers had led me to believe. Not that it was good, per se, but it surprised me. And it included this line:

sister: "You wouldn't hurt me. I'm your sister."
Katherine Heigl: "That was yesterday. Today you're just a bitch who broke my heart." Snap!!

Also, it featured a bar-top dance to Elton John's "Benny and the Jets." For real.

The real selling point of 27 Dresses, however, besides activating my wedding gene, was James Marsden. Aaaah, James Marsden, where have you been all my life? I first noticed you in last year's Hairspray, where you sang, danced, and battled racism your way into my heart. I think you've been in other stuff. I think you were Prince Charming in Enchanted, but I haven't seen that. But you are hot. You are Prince Charming.

James Marsden, I want to be in a sandwich with you and James Franco. James Franco, you won me over with your moody, tormented soul with dad issues in the Spiderman movies, and even though you were forced to act opposite that skank Kirsten Dunst, it was magic. I have no idea what else you've been in, but if we're being honest with each other, I don't like you for your acting skills.

James and James: you have the same first name, and you actually look a helluva lot like each other. But these are no deterrents. Let's make a sandwich, boys. You know you want to.

James Marsden above, James Franco on my right. Be still my beating heart.

Lesson of the day: I feel I should apologize to Joe, but I said I wasn't going to censor myself just cause he's reading the blog now. And my public has to know about my sandwich. And if you're nice to me, I could be persuaded to share . . .


MOSPEADA said...

No need to apologize . . . just don't yell at me for being turned on by you rubbing up on "My Girl" anymore, and we can call it even ;)

Braids said...

heh heh heh . . . deal.

jax said...

LUUUUUUUUVVVVVVVV James Marsden!!! Did you ever watch Ally McBeal, or was that before your time...? I LUUUUVVVed that show too, at least the first few seasons, it got stupid later on, as many hugely popular shows do, but anyway...James was on it for the last season or two! So he salvaged it for me - cause he's H-O-T hot!!! Kudos Braids, your taste on this one is impeccable :)

designingthenest said...

you know very well from firsthand experience that "you wouldn't hurt me, i'm your sister" is a complete lie. you arm-breaker.