Sunday, August 24, 2008

I can't decide how I feel about this.

Hello lovelies!! I have been on vacation for a bit and thus no new posts for your entertainment. For this I am truly, truly sorry. It almost ruined my vacation. Alas, during my daily review of the news, I came across some tidbits that I wanted to share. Rants and raves! Actually, one rave and one, hence the blog title, item that I can't decide if it deserves a rant or a rave.

Rave: To Hallmark. Because although they write some truly trashtacular crap in their greeting cards, and cost $4, they issued a press release recently announcing that they are starting a line of same-sex marriage greeting cards. Despite same-sex marriage being legal in only 2 states so far, I imagine there are a lot of people who have already felt the burning desire to send a congratulations via an over-priced greeting card. I know that I was bummed I couldn't say my congrats to Portia and Ellen in Hallmark-style. I'm being snarky here but I'm actually really proud of Hallmark. You go guys.

Also, I'm excited to send them for non-same-sex-marriage reasons. Jax can attest that for her engagement, I gave her a card whose cover featured a charming photo of two horses nuzzling. I gave a 50 year old man a card with N'Sync on it for his birthday. This is not because I'm making fun of either birthdays or engagements. On the contrary, I'm a big supporter of both. It's mainly because I tend to abhor greeting cards but find that sending a silly or completely inaproppriate one lessens the shame I feel in not just sitting down and creating my own witty card. And it makes me laugh. So. If any of you ladies out there receive a "congrats on marrying the woman of your dreams" card for your baby shower, well . . .

So the other, completely un-related news item comes to us from MSNBC, who report on an Italian priest organizing an online beauty pageant for nuns: Miss Sister 2008. His logic is to "give them [the nuns] more visibility within the Catholic Church and to fight the stereotype that they are all old and dour." Also, "external beauty is gift from God, and we mustn't hide it."

Ha ha, I can barely keep from laughing over all the things I want to say about this. I mean, I really, really doubt that this is the kind of "visibility" nuns want, within or not within the Church. I also really doubt that they care whether people think of them as old and dour or as little sex kittens just covered-up all sexy like in those hot habits.

My gut reaction is to hate this and write some long-winded thing about misogyny and my hatred of beauty pageants for any reason. But if we're all being honest here, my agnostic and atheist self dislikes the Church more than Miss America, and I find some kind of hideous amusement in the idea of them debasing themselves so much in this manner. What's next? Holy water wet t-shirt contests?

So, rant or rave on this one, people? I rant because there won't be a "Mr. Friar 2008" pageant, and so (surprise, surprise) misogyny reigns on in the Catholic church. And I hate that nuns will be doing this. But I rave because . . . yeah, I just love it when the church looks stupid.

Lesson of the day: I will totally buy stock in Hallmark when they start producing "Congrats on your Miss Sister win!" cards. Ooh! Ooh! How about, "Thank you, Jesus! You make me want to bang my Sister!" cards?


MOSPEADA said...

I think they already have "Thank you Jesus! I want to bang my sister!" cards, but they only sell them in the Bible Belt.

Also, you are quite gifted. By God. You know, with external beauty. So I think we should celebrate it. With a holy water wet t-shirt contest.

grneyegrl said...

Braids, I know your views on the Catholic Church but do not overlook the importance of the Italian influence in this pageant. Google ‘Italy rape jeans’ – truly unbelievable. And just when I thought the Catholic Church was hypocritical and misogynist I was introduced to the Bible Belt. The BB is known for churches bigger than sports arenas, family values, guns, tittie bars, boob themed restaurants (think more clever variations on ‘Hooters’, personal favorite name – ‘Twin Peaks’), more porn and condom stores than I have ever seen, and apparently the #1 domestic producer of child porn as well, and a burgeoning suburban swingers scene. Only thing I can think of is they need something to do the rest of the week…

jax said...

I loved the horse card you gave us for our engagement!! I can't wait to see my hubby's reaction if you give us a "congrats on marrying the woman of your dreams" baby shower card though!!! :)