Friday, August 1, 2008

Another post . . .

. . . about Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2?? What is wrong with me?

Before I discuss SotTP2, let me answer my own question, 'what is wrong with me?'. I do not know. But I fear that it has something to do with Joe. Not SotTP2 per se, but the nicer, more welcoming, less snarky Braids that you will see is in attendance after reading this post. I don't know why this is, because Joe thrives on his own snarkiness and encourages mine. But I'm not doing anything on purpose. The only reason I even suspect Joe/my relationship as causing some deep-seated changes in my personality is because of recent events:

Whenever my boss asks me how my weekend was or when I'm seeing Joe again, I answer with what I think are totally normal responses, such as "good!" or "tomorrow." These responses elicit hysterical laughter from my boss, who, when questioned about said laughter, reveals that I "grin" when I respond, and he then starts teasing me about being in love. Then today a co-worker, when she asked how things were going with Joe, said I was "glowing" when I responded. Then my friend called me "Mrs. Joe." How supremely irritating!! I am a fucking Federal agent. I am tough. I am tough as nails, and no emotion should be getting through this iron-clad exterior!!

And now I fear that it is worse than just exterior. . . I fear that I am softening, like soft-serve in the sun. Soon I will be nothing but a gooey puddle of sweet liquid on the sidewalk, at the mercy of dogs and children. I am melting into a shell of my former self, a shell of sweetness and goodness and pigtails and rosy cheeks. Please, I implore of you, my friends, save me from this tragedy. Make fun of me or something, do anything that requires sarcastic, tactless, and shameless Braids to react in kind. Please!

Because the latest manifestation of such sickening goodness is that, despite writing a classic-Braids post a mere 5 days ago about my distaste for the likes of SotTP2, I am now doing a slight re-consideration. For my darling sister, she of the "you should dump her, Joe" comment in the last post, forwarded me this article:

As per the article, the movie contains some things close to my heart. As someone who has been in interracial relationships and who's group of closest friends looks like an old-skool Benetton ad, the fact that this movie contains two interracial love interest scenarios warms my soul. The real deepness of this is that race is not even mentioned about said scenarios. AND this movie is marketed towards tween girls. It reminds me of Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle, which normally I would not use for comparison in a cinematic scholarly article such as this, but it was written by my college friend, so. Harold and Kumar were Korean (I think. Right? You all look alike) and Indian, and race is never even a thing in that movie. It's just like, why can't the two leads of a movie be minorities, and why can't that movie not be about why the two leads are minorities?

Further, as the article notes, the movie is directed by a woman, stars women, and is based on books written by a woman. I don't even need some ridiculous anecdote here to explain my joy with this one. Go ladies!

Lesson of the day: Perhaps with SotTP2 and other movies marketed towards the new generation, we will get closer to the singular-race and singular-gender (and that would be female) ideal that I dream about. Oh, the days when we can self-fertilize our eggs. . . .


MOSPEADA said...

Like I've said numerous times, it wouldn't be a good idea to have a single gender. A) you'd have no one to blame/make fun of/blame, and B) who would move the furniture?

Also, I support pig tails.

Dee said...

I happen to really like Blake Lively because I happen to love Gossip Girl the show. So, for this I would see the movie with you Braids. We need another girls night out since Jax didn't come out on Friday and well Mama Mia was just that bad.

grneyegrl said...

Welcome Joe, good job with Braids. Did y’all hold hands amongst the tweens at the movie?

MOSPEADA said...

No movies (in the theater) yet, I'm sorry to report. And there's NO chance that Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants TWO will be the first theater-going experience we share. But I totally plan on holding her hand when we do finally get to the big screen, or even better, trying to find a 'loveseat' section.

Did you guys know that she's a big fan of cuddling?

Braids said...

Joe, you are doing this on purpose. Stop tainting their image of me!! I don't cuddle. I'm a lean mean arresting machine.

And yeah, Amy, I haven't seen the movie of it. In a very scientifically-sound way, I wrote my review of the movie based on somebody else's article/review of the movie. Heh heh heh.

And Dee . . . we can go see it.

jax said...

Alright, I forgot to post this comment the LAST time you wrote about Traveling Pants (who knew you'd write twice?!), but for chrissakes, since when does everything have to be shortened to weird versions of things, like SofTP2??? I mean, it took me WAY longer to find all the keys on the keyboard, use caps, no caps, and then numerals toboot, to write that out - and it hurt my brain a bit in the process - than to just say Traveling Pants, or Sisterhood, or that dumb tween movie!!! It must come from the texting culture, which I guess I'll never really get a handle on either... Oh well. That's my two cents.